Muse Machina|

In a word, begin... |

Muse Machina is a poetic predictive text generator. Its word bank is fed exclusively by the springs of literary works. To compose, enter an initial word and press start. Using the back button will refresh the previous word's suggestions.

Composing with Muse Machina works best as a collaborative process. The Muse knows nothing of meaning, and little of syntax; it merely offers suggestions, possible directions in which to move. The composer's agency — in selecting or rejecting words, in wandering down paths then doubling back again when they prove unfruitful or uninteresting — is a creative act. These are the choices that create meaning and avoid mundanity. The magic of the Muse is simply to take the writer in unexpected directions.

Created as a passion project by Anna Rasshivkina.

P.S. Muse Machina is always looking for new texts! What works best are pieces of writing composed of beautiful sentences, comprising unique word pairs. The corpus currently includes works by Annie Dillard, Italo Calvino, Pablo Neruda, Mary Oliver, Ilya Kaminsky, and Leonard Cohen, among others. If you have a suggestion, please email me.

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